Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Re entry Sequence Initiated
03/05/2019 11:28 PM
Holy Toledo, it's been awhile so we'll not waste any time playing catch up. While the workings of a new site get underway I'll be resuming blogging here until that's up and running. Project goals have not changed much in terms of integrating news, research work, music and band.The one fundamental change is on fading out the lazy & haphazard writing habits engendered via posting bits on social media instead of engaging in the craft of writing and producing work that has a clear focus. Twitter habits have become deadly in that regard and I know legions of otherwise skilled writers have been sucked down the same hole.
The decision to employ media in a way more designated for marketing one's work professionally forces some choices that require pause. Do you stick with social accounts that have been catch basins for all manner of goofing off as well as your serious side or do you start fresh ? Clearly the clean slate is easier to work with but some of us also like having that old stuff around for someone to dredge up and embarrass us with. I'll probably go with some combination of the two. I've spent way too much time playing with twitter as a way to shout across networks and have run several experiments playing with handle-less threads that could be tracked across multiple networks while remaining semi private. This means Killeans Row twitter has accumulated several thousand tweets without handles from conversations that would have never happened using a tool like direct messaging. Needless to say this kind of data isn't of much use to the rank & file twitter user. I'd like to have found a way of demonstrating hooks that would make this work for everyone without violating terms of service but it's just not possible in the current environment.
Just one more thing: I'm not sure there is anyone left on Planet Earth that can say they don't have a dog in the race of current events, politics and science. We are simultaneously in a brave new world of possibilities with regards to science delimiting our resources while simultaneously entering more deeply into the next great ecological extinction event. It would appear we still have time to change the ending. There is hope.
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